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May 2015 Meeting Minutes

Published June 2015

Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the DBA held on Wednesday 27 May 2015 at the Isca Centre.

Draft minutes awaiting approval at the next meeting.

Present: Michael Hamon (Chairman), George Simnett (vice-Chairman), Terence Treeby (Hon Secretary), Vivien Peters (Hon Treasurer), David Clarke (North), Clare Hamon (West), Paul Ainsworth (South), Terry Cannon (East), Jeanine Keith (Tournament Administrator). Clare Hamon was welcomed as a new West representative.

1. Apologies. Ros Morgan (West),

2. Minutes of meeting 18 Feb 2015.

2.1. The minutes were then accepted and signed as correct.

3. Matters arising.

3.1. (Feb 3.7.) Armada (Plymouth) have recently affiliated, and Spreyton have started the process of affiliating. No further information on possible affiliation of Noss Mayo or Twixt Moors (Winkleigh and Chulmleigh).

3.2. (Feb 5.2.) Rule Book amendments made following comments; Victor Ludorum Rules revised. Rulebook2 May 2015 is now a Second Edition containing all previous updates and replaces the 2011 printed book.

3.3. (Feb 5.5.) Ruth is helping the Secretary work towards a more continuous calendar rather than issuing a once-a-year listing. The Secretary is now able to edit events on the website. No further progress.

4. AGM Preparations

4.1. The officers have all confirmed they are available for re-election, and have been proposed and seconded. There are no motions from members. Notices have been circulated to all members and all papers posted on the website, with copies to clubs.

5. Treasurer's Report and Financial Matters

5.1. The Treasurer’s report was circulated in advance. The accounts for the AGM have been circulated and posted on the website. The final balance will be confirmed when all section accounts have been received. The surplus for the year was £668 (after adjustments for Byrne seminar and congress falling across the year end). DBA current account balance is currently £10722 plus £14007 with Scottish Widows.

5.2. (Feb 3.5.) The minute from Nov 2013 was amended for clarification to: Any future claim for up to one-third of the cost of dealing or scoring equipment will be considered on an individual basis but cannot be guaranteed. Any subsidy will require the club concerned to make their equipment available to the county when required.
It is understood that Torquay BC are not pursuing their claim. The Treasurer will write to Plymstock requesting further details of their claim.

5.3. It was agreed that charges for the use of county bridgemates for non-county events would be £1 for a single session and £1.50 for a double session.

5.4. George Delafield’s application for help with the County Directors course was approved as two-thirds of the course fee (with one dissenter supporting half of the fee). Clare Hamon’s application was deferred for 12 months pending more county experience.

5.5. Competition entry fees held as follows : Devon Teams (WMN) is £30 per team; Devon Club Teams of 8 £12 per person (£15 on day); Devon Pairs (Julia Chadwick) £15 pp (£18 on day); AGM Swiss Teams £8 pp (£10 on day). The Devon Pairs fee will be confirmed at the July meeting.

6. Secretary’s Report and Correspondence (including S Shareholders’ report on EBU matters)

6.1. Job vacancies : The Hon Secretary was given permission to highlight job vacancies under AOB at the AGM – and Chairman noted numerous vacancies; failure to fill these post may compromise effective DBA function, especially in our largest section, the East. Some suggestions were made which will be followed up and considered at the July meeting when sub-committees are appointed. Vacancies exists for Congress organiser(s) (ideally now but Apr 2016 at the latest; Education sub-committee to replace Andrew Leslie and to organise any future Andrew Robson or Michael Byrne sessions tour from NOW (or July meeting); East section Chairman and second committee rep; Youth Officer; representative on EBU Counties Working Group; Treasurer from June 2016; Tournament Administrator from June 2016; duplimate organiser and operator.

S6.2. (Feb S 5.4). Report of Shareholders’ meeting on Wed 13 May circulated and noted. The Jeff Smith scoring programs are soon to be rebranded EBUScore, with (chargeable) support offered by EBU. Scorebridge is not being phased out. From 1 Oct players must be able to play 75% of the boards for a movement to qualify for masterpoints.
Next meeting AGM 25 Nov.

6.3. Steve Dooley has created a simple Director’s app (Bridge TD £3.60) available for android and iphone.

6.4. The High Court ruled recently in favour of the EBU’s appeal against an earlier ruling by Sport England that bridge is not a sport and gave the EBU the right to a judicial review. If this is upheld then bridge will be recognised as a mind sport (as it already is by the Charity Commission and by several European countries).

6.5. Directors courses are now run by EBED with a revised charging schedule, currently £152.20 for EBU members for the full four courses up to assessment.

7. Section Reports

7.1. (General) It was confirmed that P2P fees to leagues, etc are paid centrally and therefore not shown in section accounts. After a scoring problem following the withdrawal of a team from the West section league, no representations were made, so the league rules have not been changed. This may be reviewed when the EBU produce specimen league rules. A contingency plan in the event of any section being without a Treasurer or effective organization was not followed up.

7.2. (East) The East committee consists solely of a Treasurer; a Chairman, a second DBA rep and other members are being sought. The accounts and AGM minutes were circulated. Next season’s league currently has 2 vacancies.

7.3. (West) At the AGM the same committee was re-elected; Clare Hamon to be second DBA rep.

7.4. (North) AGM Same committee and DBA reps to continue. Accounts circulated. Events will be as usual with new venues to be confirmed. It is proposed to hold a Directors’ course in the section. It was agreed that the North Section Committee should have discretion to pay out of its reserves up to 50% of the EBED cost of director training provided that those undergoing training completed successfully the assessment day and agreed to direct at affiliated clubs afterwards.

7.5. (South) Report and accounts circulated. Most of the committee retired, but a Treasurer and one new member have come forward. There are 2 vacancies in the league. £2600 (a new record) has been raised for Devon Air Ambulance, bringing the total to over £10,000.

8. Sub-committee reports

8.1. Technology sub-committee [George Simnett, Paul Ainsworth, Ruth Edmondson]
No report.

8.2. EBU Counties Working Group. [Dick Andrews]
Despite his best efforts, the SW group is effectively defunct and the interest from Devon clubs is extremely limited, so Dick Andrews has offered to stand down. There are ongoing discussions at regional and national level which may lead to recommendations to clubs..

8.3. Tournament Sub-Committee. [Jeanine Keith (Tournament Administrator), Terence Treeby, Vivien Peters]
Western League will continue in its present format, but home teams will no longer provide food. The C team won their league and will play in the Interleague finals. 2015-16 selection rota circulated. Winter Pairs will continue to be run by South section. DBA Sim pairs for DAA will continue to be run by Paul Ainsworth with financial arrangements to be confirmed. Entries for AGM teams need to be pursued. Low attendance at 2015 Devon Pairs final to be considered next time.

8.4. Education Sub-Committee. [Andrew Leslie, Carol Ritzen]
(Feb 7.4.) Byrne visit : feedback report circulated. Draft financial report, since amended showing a near break-even situation.
(Feb 7.4). Discussion on further Andrew Robson tour in Oct 2016 (or possibly Mar 2017) and organiser held over.
(Feb 7.4). Ongoing strategy for education (including schools and youth) and training held over.
Andrew Leslie is standing down from this sub-committee and was thanked for his contribution.

8.5. Selection Sub-Committee. [Warner Solomon, Ruth Edmondson, Alison Pollok, Jeanine Keith (liaison)]
No report.

8.6. Congress Sub-Committee. [Marion Kelsey, Terence Treeby, Mike Kelsey, Vivien Peters]
Congress report circulated, surplus about £3300. Spare nearly-unuseable tables stored at Torquay to be kept as reserves. Terence Treeby was thanked for his considerable work in making this congress increasingly successful.

8.7. Conduct Sub-Committees: [Steve Quinn, Maureen Baser, George Simnett, Keith Ponsford, David Clarke]
No report.

8.8. Disciplinary Sub-Committees: [Michael Hamon, Howard Kent-Webster, Robin Barker, Paul Ainsworth, Ann Slee]
No report.

9. Any Other Business. None.

10. Next meeting

10.1. The next meeting will be at the Isca Centre at 6.30 pm on Tue 7 July. Committee members are sub-committees are asked to send documents for circulation to the Hon Sec by 16 June at the latest.